Mount Pleasant, Texas fits the profile of a traditional East Texas town. Steeped in history, that is on display at the Edison Phonograph Museum, and full of farms, orchards, and vineyards, Mount Pleasant is a wonderful town.
Unfortunately the same climate that allows the Mount Pleasant agriculture to thrive, also allows unwanted pests and rodents to prosper. D-Bug Pest Control is here to provide quality extermination services to residents of the Mount Pleasant area.
Professional pest control near you
Our expert team is ready to help you in any way we can with your pest control needs. We provide expert services for both the interior and exterior of your home or office with customizable service plans to fit your exact needs and budget. From termites to roaches we can get rid of them all.

Their interior pest control treatment includes: a barrier treatment of the inside of the home, the placement of glue traps, if needed, and they will inspect your home for any insect issues. They recommend that an interior pest control treatment be done on your home at least twice a year.
D-Bug's exterior pest control treatment includes: spraying the foundation up three feet and spraying the eaves and around all doors and windows of your home. They will also take down any bees or wasp nests and spider webs. We will then apply a 10 foot granular treatment around the foundation for pest prevention. Their exterior treatment frequency is usually customized to your wants or needs.
Expert wildlife trapper
Most people choose to live in a small town like Mount Pleasant, Texas because of the rural atmosphere and a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of a large city. That means that you can, at times, be visited by some of the local wildlife in the area. We can safely trap and humanely remove any unwanted wildlife from your property whether it is inside or outside your home.